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Orgullo de San Antonio


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Home: Who We Are



In 2006, the League of United Latin American Citizens approved the formation of the LULAC Dallas Rainbow Council #4871 in Dallas, Texas. Since that time, many LGBTQ chapters have been formed including Orgullo de San Antonio LGBTQ LULAC Council 22198 in 2014. LULAC is the oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States. The organization has taken bold steps to advance equal justice under law for all Latinos, including our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) sisters and brothers. Through direct action and national resolutions, LULAC and its membership have stood firm on the rights of LGBTQIA+ Americans to:



  •  be protected from hate crimes

  •  work free from discrimination

  • to serve openly and honestly in the U.S. Armed Services,

  • allow bi-national couples to stay together by updating antiquated immigration laws, and

  • officially oppose federal marriage laws that discriminate against couples that entered legal unions in their state.

©2020 by Orgullo de San Antonio LGBTQ LULAC 22198. Proudly created with

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